Site specific art & education

- Listen to the ocean -
Hosted by Munkeruphus
Art- & nature laboratorium as a modern classroom
Artist Jette Ellgaard Christensen and myself composer Kristian Rymkier had a wonderful week together with a local 4th grade showing expamples of sound art and coaching them on how to remake a local story into their own site specific story.
During only one week, with the Museum's park: Munkerup Strand LAb as a classroom – just next to the beach, they completed writing, recording and editing 4 complete Site Specific Art Works.

Strandvasker = The dead on the beach
Den game fiskermand = The old fisherman
2. Verdenskrig = 2. World War
Fremtid = The future

Idoart documented our wonderful weeks at Munkerup Strand Lab - The sound art project begins at 8:00 in the video - read more about it in the article in the link below.